Personalised Champagne Store Delivery Information

  • If you place your order before 1pm we will get your selection created, personalised and dispatched within 2-3 working days. (Delivery can sometimes be delayed by the courier). At the Personalised Champagne Store we aim to deliver a high quality service.
  • If your order is being shipped to the Highlands or Non-UK mainland delivery, it can take up to 4 working days for delivery.
  • Returns Policy Under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations, you can cancel your order up to 14 working days after you have received your delivery (this does not apply to certain items such as personalised products and perishable goods). In the unfortunate event of a mistake being made on your personalised product, we will endeavour to correct this for you straight away. You must inform us of this within 14 days. Before a replacement item is issued, the incorrect item will need to be uplifted or returned by yourself (postage charges incurred for the return will be refunded).
  • Before ordering a personalised item, please satisfy yourself that the gift is what you require. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
  • On the rare occasion your order arrives damaged, please contact us immediately for us to effectively deal with it, call us on 0114 242 8714 or please email us on